
2 Golden State Warriors Test Positive For The Coronavirus Three Weeks Before Start of Season

1 min read

Two Golden State Warriors members tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday, the team’s general manager, Bob Myers, reported.

With the rise of the new infections, Myers declined to name the two members and said that the team would suspend the start of their training camp as a precautionary measure. The Golden State Warriors were scheduled to begin their camp on Sunday but has since been moved to Monday.

Individual workouts are scheduled to start on Wednesday, and like the NFL’s latest two-day semi-shutdown of their practice facilities, the Warriors’ decision on a one-day suspension was a surprise, the San Francisco Gate reported.

Some argued that a single day was enough to test all necessary personnel and members. However, others said that the team was in a hurry to begin training sessions with only three weeks before the start of the regular season.

Myers also said that San Francisco County gave the team permission to conduct full-contact practices amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Danielle Joyce Ong

Danielle is a local journalist with a passion for exploring stories related to crime and politics. When Danielle isn't busy writing or reading, she is usually exploring the great outdoors and all the hiking trails in the Bay.