Apple Suppliers Linked to Uyghur Forced Labor

1 min read

Apple suppliers are linked to having used forced labor in China, according to The Information.

The publication determined seven companies, that supply Apple with products and services, supporting forced labor programs that target China’s Muslim minority, specifically, the Uyghurs living in Xinjiang.

The Information reports that six of the seven suppliers participated in work programs described as “frequently offering cover for forced labor.” Workers are threatened to be jailed if they refuse and those who enroll in the program are moved far from their homes. 

These work programs are operated by the Chinese government. 

The companies are believed to be Apple’s suppliers of antennas, cables, coatings, and other products and services. 

A spokesperson from Apple said it “found no evidence of forced labor anywhere we operate” and that that company “will continue doing all we can to protect workers and ensure they are treated with dignity and respect.”

However, Apple’s not the only one on this. The tech industry heavily relies on suppliers from China and it was reported that these companies have also worked with tech giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and a whole lot of others. 

Amazon and Facebook responded to The Information saying they wouldn’t work with suppliers who use forced labor while Google and Microsoft didn’t respond.