U.S. President Joe Biden arrived on Tuesday in New Hampshire to tout his $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that he recently signed into law.
Some people welcomed the president near the timeworn bridge in the rural area. There were also some protesters among the crowd, FOX News reported.
Biden was also greeted by a letter coming from Chris Sununu, the state’s Republican governor. In a report by The Associated Press, the letter has encouraged more economic aid for the state.
“Ensuring that roads get built, bridges get repaired and drinking water gets improved will be even more challenging given the economic challenges Washington seems oblivious to,” Sununu wrote, as reported by AP.
WMUR-TV of Manchester said in its report that the president did not have a very smooth landing into New Hampshire about the Air Force One, which had some turbulence.
Biden, along with his staff, traveled 58 miles north of Concord to Woodstock. He stood in the old Green Bridge across the Pemigewasset River along Route 175 as he spoke to celebrate the passage of his massive infrastructure plan.
“This may not seem like a big bridge, but it saves lives and solves problems,” the president told a news briefing. The bridge he used as background, which was temporarily closed, is included in the several infrastructure projects across the country that can be financed by the recently-signed law.
AP said the president’s speech was witnessed by a small crowd seated on folding chairs. Biden paid a visit to a state which posted a drop on his rating to 34 percent, according to the New Hampshire Survey Center Granite Poll. The report said that a similar poll revealed that the president had a disapproving rating of 53 percent.