After more than five and a half years behind bars, an ex pastor from Alabama who was convicted of child rape and sentenced to a 15-year imprisonment, was already released, a report said.
In 2015, suspect Mack Charles Andrews Jr. was condemned with the said prison term after owning up to several counts of rape, sodomy, sexual abuse and attempted rape, according to a report from on Friday.
He served as a former pastor of United Pentecostal Church in Thomasville.
According to the reports, the pastor’s victim named Shay Walker claimed that she was raped and suffered sexual pain when she was between 7 to 12 years of age.
Walker intended to appear at the parole hearing of Andrews in November for the 61-year-old pastor to stay in prison, but she could not do so as Andrews was freed.
“He’s going to do it again,” the victim told “It’s not like he touched someone one time. He’s a serial rapist.”
In 2015, the victim told the news outlet that the preacher raped her.
The crime happened when she was nine at the grave of her father. Andrews allegedly threatened her that something bad will happen if she speaks against him.
“He told me if I didn’t say anything, he would come back and put flowers on the grave,” she said. “If I did, he said demons would come and get me from my bed.”
When the suspect was released last May 19, other eight of his victims and the district attorney were not informed, the report said.
Some 783 days were credited to the ex-pastor for his time spent behind bars before the sentence was released. But with the said jail period included, the report said Andrews had only served nearly half of his jail term.