How to stay happy working at home — during the time of Covid-19 pandemic

10 mins read

A few months ago, no one would have expected that today, there would be thousands and even millions of people around the world shielding set up and working from home in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. But, without a doubt, human beings are masters of adaptation, so it’s nothing unexpected that individuals have changed their schedules and everyday routines because of the difficulties and challenges COVID-19 has made in everyday life. 

As they say, mindset is such an important factor in dealing with every circumstance in life. No matter what a person’s status in life, everyone is having a hard time facing such life battles. Staying positive and happy while working at home is truly significant, especially in this time of crisis. How can you be able to do that? If how the way we live our lives change in just like a snap of a finger. But, here’s how to.

What are the advantages or benefits of happiness? 

In spite of the fact that every person offers various meanings of it, we as a whole know happiness when we see and feel it. As indicated by Lyubomirsky, happiness has two different components: it is gotten from how fulfilled and satisfied you are with your life generally speaking, and it can result from feeling — like when someone or something causes us to feel happy. 

Lyubomirsky says,” More joyful people are bound to get married, they have more companions and they’re physically healthier.” Joy isn’t an extravagance, to put it simply: ” If ever that you literally actuate joy you will boost other people’s immune system.”

According to Lyubomirsky’s research, it shows that happiness likewise makes us work and functions better as well. Joy can boost creativity and efficiency and supports our capacity to adapt. Also, it helps us to persevere, making difficult circumstances more manageable. Therefore, happiness is such a higher priority than any time during challenging times and should be top of mind for every manager, every team member, and every employer.

If you feel happier, you will be much more motivated to really address the problem you’re facing. Plus, you’ll become healthier, gain more energy, and have better social support.

So how, at that point, do we saddle bliss at work during difficult stretches? 

Remain drew in with work to  preserve the structure, meaning as well as “flow” 

Truth be told, work can be key here. It offers structure to our days, sections our home time, and keeps us much more focused on some different options from the news or individual concerns. Work likewise gives inspiration to the future and keeps us occupied and busy in the present. 

With a huge number of people shielding set up, it’s not, at this point possible for some to enjoy the social interactions of a common workday. Nonetheless, Lyubormirsky says we should at present find approaches on how to connect socially: “Anything you can do in your day by day life that can fortify relationships will make you more joyful or look after joy.” 

During times of social distancing, the vast majority of those connections will happen for all intents and purposes, which Lyubomirsky says is “nearly as good” as face to face or in-person. Likewise, be aware of what turns out best for you, she says, and focus on what doesn’t. On the off chance that you find that you’re depleted by being on camera, don’t be hesitant to switch things up with a phone call. What’s more, keep in mind: the objective is to nurture social bonds, which will assist us with reviving and gaining strength. 

Though, in fact, the truth of life during COVID-19 conditions seems to be overwhelming for everyone, Lyubomirsky suggests “you must have something that you are focused on, that you are seeking after. Regardless of whether it’s solving such a specific issue, self-teaching or homeschooling your children, learning another set of skills, or accomplishing great at work.” Finding that so-called focus is critical to accomplishing “flow,” another significant element for joy. 

“‘Flow’ is a state when you’re so caught up in what you’re doing that you forget about time or forget about yourself,” Lyubomirsky further explains. You’ll accomplish greater things doing any kind of activity, as it will definitely give you a so-called flow.

Surprisingly, several studies show that individuals experience more flow while working than during relaxation activities — another update that work is a significant supporter of happiness. Think about the fulfillment you get from creative brainstorming to generate new ideas, that stellar interview with a potential newly recruited employee, or nailing the launch of another item. On account of the present digital innovations, numerous workers can even now achieve these assignments from home, which means work can — and should — keep on carrying pride and significance to each day. 

Always prioritize kindness and appreciation to support others, the community, and yourself 

Thoughtful gestures and expressions of appreciation likewise add to happiness. Lyubomirsky says that the concept of appreciation and generosity are found across cultures, however, their significance can change, as context incredibly impacts perception. In addition to the fact that they make us feel more joyful as individuals — they reinforce our connections as well as relationships. 

Lyubomirsky says that sometimes it’s difficult for a person to be grateful when things around them are still working out in a good way. In times of adversity, everyone must support one another, willing to lend a hand, and must always come together as one, as a family or as a community.

Her research has shown that performing acts of grace for others makes you more joyful, and asks that we ponder what those could be: “Just the way that we’re isolating is really a thoughtful gesture, so we don’t spread the infection or virus to individuals who seem vulnerable.” 

Thoughtfulness or kindness can be as simple an act as checking a co-worker to know how they’re doing. Something as little as a token of appreciation — like an affirmation or “thank you” in a weekly group meeting — can go far to helping individuals feel seen and being valued. 

Keep in mind: little gestures often mean a great deal to everyone around us, and these thoughtful gestures and gratitude won’t just help other people, yet support our own happiness too. 

Even in difficult times, happiness is close enough and worth the effort

Lyubomirsky states that the things that truly matter for happiness only resurface once adversity is present— such as a relationship with one another, strong connections, being grateful, and kindness towards others.

Eventually, we will think back on life during the COVID-19 pandemic and wonder about how we — as people, groups, organizations, communities, and society — learned a lot from this difficulty. 

What we can be sure of is that happiness is such a significant tool for conquering difficulty. By remaining connected with our colleagues and networks, we uphold the bonds that can strengthen us all. Staying drawn in with work grounds us and gives us a feeling of structure and normality, moving and inspiring us to set new objectives while we explore a new area. Lastly, kindness and gratitude aren’t only good for the soul. They really emphasize our humankind and give a significant reminder that, indeed, we are all in this together. 

While it’s anything but difficult to take happiness during the great times, individuals need it now like never before. Utilizing Lyubomirsky’s research as a guide, we would all be able to work to make it through this pandemic and — eventually — build a better, more joyful future.

Abigail Kouma

Abigail is a caffeine-fueled bookworm and journalist from Marin County. She's passionate about art and constantly searching for new ways to express creativity and stay on beat with the cultural scene in SF.