Britney Spears was the first to force Jamie Spears, her father, to be cut out as her custodian about five years ago, The New York Times reported last June 22.
The media outlet has gone through court records and found out that in 2016, Britney voiced out against her father and her conservatorship’s firm guidelines.
It furthered that the pop star told a court investigator in detail her feelings about the conservatorship taking “too much control” in every part of her life — which range from “whom she dated to the color of her kitchen cabinets.”
“She articulated she feels the conservatorship has become an oppressive and controlling tool against her,” the court investigator said in a written statement.
In addition, The New York Times said the singer seeks to terminate the conservatorship.
“She is ‘sick of being taken advantage of’ and she said she is the one working and earning her money but everyone around her is on her payroll,” according to the court investigator.
The report added details on how Britney was frustrated as she fell short on the financial independence aspect. She particularly stressed how people surrounding her have something to say about how she spends.
Britney also revealed to court investigators that security personnel never left her side at all times, NYT reported. These security people were on top with her assistant, who can dictate her on the times she can access her credit card.
The pop star also divulged how she wanted to update the look of her home’s kitchen cabinets but was stopped by her father due to budget worries.
She was only provided $2, 000 allowance a week, the report said and she also undergoes several drug tests a week.
The performer uttered a “lot of fear” on the conservatorship topic because “any mistakes resulted in ‘very harsh’ consequences,’” the report said.