
Remains of Man Found After Last Being Seen in 2018

4 mins read

Authorities recently discovered the remains of a bioengineer who has been missing since 2018 after he took a solo late-night walk in Fairfield during Super Bowl weekend, disappearing without leaving any evidence of where he could have gone.

The victim, Zachery Rose, was known to be a careful and diligent man, and his friends and family knew that he would never wander off too far or be reckless. “He left probably not under means that he desired,” said Fairfield Police Lt. Jausiah Jacobsen.

Mysterious Disappearance

Police found Rose’s body on Monday after nearly three years since he was last seen. The victim’s remains and clothing were left on a hill by the Amtrak station on Cement Hill Road, one mile away from where he was last known to be.

“Our thoughts are with his family, and we hope while there are still many unanswered questions, the discovery of his body brings some closure,” said a police statement. However, authorities did not provide any additional information regarding the case and said it was still an ongoing investigation.

The last person that saw Rose was Phil Lasater, and he is considered to be one of the case’s remaining unanswered questions. Lasater and the victim met through the internet and began to deepen their relationship.

Allegedly, Rose turned his back on his Arkansas life and home in 2015 to move to Lasater’s Fairfield residence. However, he quickly went and rented his own condo, which authorities believe was a move to be closer to his Hercules office.

Reports of Lasater and Rose’s relationship said it was an “on-and-off” romantic one. However, they did not explain further about the couple’s private life. Others said that the two were only friends and not lovers.

When asked for a comment, the then-supervisor at the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department but now a lieutenant, Lasater, declined to respond.

Until his disappearance, Rose kept constant communication with Lasater and even drove to the latter’s residence after work on the day he disappeared. Authorities discovered the victim’s white pick-up truck parked outside Lasater’s home, and all his belongings still remained inside the household.

Lasater was the first to report to authorities about Rose’s disappearance, about 18 hours after the victim left his house. Officials have not yet determined the reason why Rose decided to vacate the premises.

Authorities became fixated on one part of Lasater’s life during their investigation of Rose’s disappearance, his prior marriage. Lasater’s previous husband of 15 years, William Volkl, died in 2012 at the age of 41 while he was sleeping at Lasater’s home. However, officials still do not have a clear answer to his origin of death, the San Francisco Gate reported.

Previously, the county medical examiner confirmed Volkl suffered a neck injury and had a history of heart problems, suggesting that foul play was not out of the question. A Twitter account that police believed may have belonged to Volkl also hinted that he would frequently experience severe migraines that forced him to go to the hospital.

“We have one individual who died of a suspicious method or manner inside the home, and fast forward in time, now someones’ vanished from it,” said Jacobsen, adding that they questioned Lasater repeatedly in relation to the deaths of both Lasater and Rose.

Danielle Joyce Ong

Danielle is a local journalist with a passion for exploring stories related to crime and politics. When Danielle isn't busy writing or reading, she is usually exploring the great outdoors and all the hiking trails in the Bay.