
Woman Involved in Assault of Uber Driver Transferred Back to San Francisco

1 min read

A San Francisco woman involved in the alleged assault of an Uber driver was returned to the city after being arrested in Las Vegas for attempting to take money from a bank account using a fake ID.

Suspect Arrested

Authorities are giving the suspect, Malaysia King, several criminal charges. The woman first appeared in court in Las Vegas a few hours after San Francisco police announced 24-year-old Arna Kimiai, who was seen in video footage with King in the assault of the Uber driver, turned herself in for robbery, assault and battery, conspiracy, and other charges.

Seth Morris, Kimiai’s attorney, said his client posted a $75,000 bond pending a court appearance. While King did not have a lawyer during her first court appearance, she was not asked about the charges she was facing.

On Thursday, police arrested King after California officials issued an arrest warrant for charges of assault with a caustic chemical, conspiracy, assault and battery, and a health and safety code violation, NBC Bay Area reported.

The judge who presided King’s hearing also said the suspect could face felony charges for her deeds in Las Vegas. The crimes include allegations that she and another male individual tried to use fake IDs to get money from a bank account that did not belong to either of them.

Danielle Joyce Ong

Danielle is a local journalist with a passion for exploring stories related to crime and politics. When Danielle isn't busy writing or reading, she is usually exploring the great outdoors and all the hiking trails in the Bay.