Liccardo Admits Violating Health Protocols Through an Issued Public Apology
On Tuesday, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo released a public apology to confess his violations of California’s health regulations after attending a recent family get-together. The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit reported the said family gathering on Monday. According to Liccardo from his issued statement, he admitted that none of the guests wore masks when they ate. He also noted that eight representatives gathered and sat around three distanced tables at Liccardo’s back patio out of five households.
Last November 13, the California Department of Public Health announced its new health protocol regarding family reunions outside. The state’s most updated legislation include that while outside, the only permitted maximum number of different households to attend a family function is three. The said rule applies to occasions scheduled to occur in outdoor spots or public parks.
Due to the inspections conducted and reported by the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit, Liccardo chose to apologize to the public for his actions. The account disclosed the mayor’s family gathering activities and state health guideline violations.
One day before his scheduled Thanksgiving celebration with his family relatives, Liccardo took to his official Twitter account and encouraged his followers to adhere to safety protocols at all times and cancel big gatherings this year. Moreover, Liccardo also reminded the public to wear face masks around family members and friends, including emphasizing the state’s current spike of coronavirus cases.
Despite Liccardo’s administration’s refusal to disclose information about the gathering, the San Jose mayor’s statement contradicted his cabinet’s intention to keep the convention’s events a secret from the public eye. According to Liccardo’s Chief of Staff before the day of the banquet, he declined to mention further details and only defined the occurrence as a “private event.” The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit inquired the said chief concerning the families present and the number of guests attending, only to get short-ended answers from Liccardo’s representative.
Additionally, Liccardo’s apology also denied the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit’s misleading information regarding the San Jose mayor’s plans for Thanksgiving. On the day of the previously mentioned holiday, the mayor’s spokesperson primarily told NBC Bay that Liccardo spent celebrating Thanksgiving in his home. On behalf of Liccardo’s request, his office attempted to correct the information by contacting NBC Bay the next day.
Within his apology, Liccardo acknowledged his mistakes and wrote that he understood his obligation to follow the state’s health protocols and become a role model for citizens as one of the nation’s public officials. He later expressed his intent to become a better person next time.
The Brief Summary of the San Jose Mayor’s Full Apology Statement
Liccardo’s full statement began with the mayor addressing NBC Bay’s report of his family’s gathering event that happened during last week’s Thanksgiving Day. The mayor explained that he, his wife, Jessica, and his sister-in-law attended an outdoor dinner on their backyard patio – forming a total number of three households present. According to Liccardo, his brother arrived late and dined separately from the other family members, letting the first households finish their dinner before he could eat. Liccardo also detailed the events that happened during Thanksgiving afternoon, explaining that one of his sisters joined the family for the celebration, including her daughter-in-law and son.
At the later parts of the issued apology, Liccardo acknowledged the November 13th-issued health protocol of private functions only having a limited number of three households participating together. He later states his apology for failing to follow the provided regulations by attending a family dinner composing more than the required number of families present. Liccardo ended his letter by pledging to adhere to the nation’s health regulations, committing to do better as a public official and person.